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    The acts portrayed in both the YouTube videos and other media contained on this website were carried out by trained individuals with years of experience in their field. The companies 88 Industries, LLC or any other persons/companies involved in the production of this content will not be held liable for damages or injuries that may result from you attempting anything you see in our content. All NFA items depicted are legal and registered to their appropriate agents and are obtained and used in a completely legal and safe setting. The use of any exploding binary target must be done in accordance with all state or federal laws. Binary targets are meant as target indicators only. All content contained on this website and our YouTube channel is owned exclusively by 88 Industries, LLC and is all original content. It may not be rebroadcast, reposted, copied or otherwise plagiarized without written consent. Under fair use, the footage can legally be used for educational and commentary purposes but such use can not involve a commercial undertaking or be presented in a way that is demeaning or harmful to our public image. As a courtesy, please contact us for any use or other questions.

    Please don't try anything at home that you see contained in any of our content.